Your task for this blog post is to do the following:
1. Using the PowerPoint link below, fill out your guided notes on Otzi the Iceman.
Otzi the Iceman Background Info
2. Read the four theories on the death of Otzi and POST A COMMENT on what YOU think happened. In sharing your opinion on how Otzi died, you must explain why you think the way you do and also why you think the other theories are wrong. All the theories make sense. However, you must decide which one was more likely to happen.
Theory #1: Died of Hypothermia
Theory #2: Victim of Robbery
Theory #3: Assassinated
Theory #4: Died in Battle
Due: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Grading: Your blog post must meet the following requirements for length:
Less than 50 words = Incomplete
50 Words = D
100 Words = C
150 words = B
200 words = A
Great job so far this year. Thanks for all your hard work. Continue to be your best.