Your task for this blog post is to do the following:
1. Using the PowerPoint link below, fill out your guided notes on Otzi the Iceman.
Otzi the Iceman Background Info
2. Read the four theories on the death of Otzi and POST A COMMENT on what YOU think happened. In sharing your opinion on how Otzi died, you must explain why you think the way you do and also why you think the other theories are wrong. All the theories make sense. However, you must decide which one was more likely to happen.
Theory #1: Died of Hypothermia
Theory #2: Victim of Robbery
Theory #3: Assassinated
Theory #4: Died in Battle
Due: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Grading: Your blog post must meet the following requirements for length:
Less than 50 words = Incomplete
50 Words = D
100 Words = C
150 words = B
200 words = A
Great job so far this year. Thanks for all your hard work. Continue to be your best.
This is a practice blog for my favorite period....3rd.
This is a practice blog for 6th period
3 things I have learned about the Stone Age include:
1.The people that lived during the Stone Age were called Neanderthals.
2.The Neanderthals made the very important discovery of fire.
3.With fire, the Neanderthals chased their prey off of the edge of cliffs to their waiting compainions.
3 things about the stone age incude...
1.Neaderthals discovered fire. They used the fire to hunt and keep warm.
2.Neaderthals used animal fur as clothing to keep warm.
3.Neaderthals found out they weren't alone. They discovered cromagnins.
I think Otzi was assassinated or in other words I think he was murdered
Because he most likely would not be in battle, if he was in battle he would have had all of his tools with him or on him. He would have not laid his tools around him when he died. Also in the video they said he was murdered. I don’t think he was robbed because the video said he most likely was not a victim of someone that was robbed. Also I don’t think he died of hypothermia because they found a arrow head in his back.
Hypothermia is when a person freezes to death which he did freeze to death but he was shot in the back first with an arrow so his freezing happened after his death. He passed away then his body was not found for five thousand years so his body was frozen in ice for all those years. When they found Otzi in the ice his body was in good shape he must have been in very good health and he was pretty young. I think they said he was only 45 years old when he died. So he was very healthy when he died.
My opinion on how Otzi died is that he was a victim of robbery.He seemed to be a shepherd and not somebody who had political power or a warrior.I believe that it is the most logical because he had an arrow in his back while he had his shepherding equipment.After he was shot he tried to fire back and defend himself, but since he was so cold from being in the mountains he didn't have enough strength.He dropped his stuff while trying to flee, but couldn't.He was left to die as the robbers took every one of his sheep.Otzi probobly tried to move but since he was wounded and cold, he couldn't.His death was probobly long and very painful.Since he dropped his items,that would be why when they found his body it would be away from the rest of his stuff.The robbers could have easily hid in a rocky outcrop and easily "sniped him".Otzi wouldn't have seen them coming.He would have been helpless to watch his sheep disappear while he slowly froze to death.Well, that is what I think happened when the "iceman" ,Otzi, died.PS Otzi was also burried in snow after he died.
I think Otzi died of hypothermia. I think he died like that because he was in the mountains where it is very cold most of the time. I also think he died of hypothermia because he was so well preserved that scientists belived that he froze right after death because the the cold turned his body into a perfectly preserved him into a mummy. Another reason is because many people say that you get very lost in the Alps. I think the other reasons are incorrect because I think he was alone when he died. I don't think that the other theories are wrong because who would follow the iceman around to kill him.
I don't think he died in battle because the arrow in his shoulder might not have been in his shoulder before he died like when he started walking up the mountain.I don't think he was a leader of any sort because of where he was at the time when he died. I think he was not a leader of any sort because if he was a leader the people he was leading would not have sent him off to where he died.I don't think he was robbed because in the video that we watched about Otzi they said that he had all of his stuff like axes and spears with him.
In 1991 two hikers in the Alps found a dead body frozen in the ice. The body was a ice man which later they named Otzi because of the mountain they found him by.
On a cold morning Otzi went outside to discover that his sheep had all run away during the night. Otzi put on warm clothes, leather pants, animal hide jacket,cape, fur cap,and soft shoes that he stuffed with hay for warmth. Otzi packed his food, wheat bread, meat, green herbs or veggies because he did not know when he would be coming home again.
Otzi then wandered out into the snow trying to find his sheep. He walked for many miles tracking them. Then he came upon a cave, he went in side it and ate his food, and when he was done he went out and started walking again.
It was starting to get dark when he noticed a light up a head. He walked closer hoping to find food, warmth and shelter. As he got closer he saw his herd of sheep. He thought the men must have stolen them. Otzi tried to herd his sheep away without being seen, but the men started shooting at him with bow and arrows. Otzi started running, but one of the arrows hit him in the shoulder. He pulled the arrow out, but he had lost a lot of blood. He lost his balance and slipped off the side of the mountain. He went tumbling down and landed on a ledge. He was stranded and no one ever found him. He died on the ledge from his injuries and hypothermia.
My theories are #2:victim of robbery and #1:died of hypothermia. That is how I think Otzi died and became famous as the oldest mummy ever found.
After watching the movie and reading the background on Otzi, I feel he was assassinated. They know for sure that he had a arrowhead in his back so I feel what he actually died from was the shot to the back from the arrowhead. Then after he was shot his body froze in ice. That is why his body is so well preserved. He was not really a leader so I think he did not die in a battle, If there would have been a battle then I think there would have been other mummies to not just Otzi. The reasons I do not feel like he died from a robbery is because he had his tools with him such as his ax and for hypothermia the scientist said he was a healthly 45year old with good health. When watching the movie it also mentioned that he was murdered. After considering all the facts I still feel the reason he Otzi died was he was murdered for what reason I am not sure, but I do not feel it has anything to do with a battle or robbery, and Otzi was in to good of health for it to be for hypothermia.
I think that otzi died of Theory #2: Victim of Robbery beacuse why elce would some one shoot him with an arrow. I do not thin he died of hypothermia beacuse when the scincetists look at him it did not look like he died of that.I also do not think that he died in battle beacuse why would there be a battle in the mountains i mean come on most of them in the battle would die of the cold and i would not like to be there.And I also dont think that he got assassinated beacuse what did he do to any body all he did was walk into the border of italy and some other place. SO that is what I think happend to Otzi I hope in injoy my report
I think Otzi was assassinated. I think he was assassinated, because he had an arrowhead shot in the back of his left shoulder. He also had lots of tattoos on his body. Some of these tattoos may be religious that could have led to someone not liking him and then going on to killing him. I believe that he froze to death after he had gotten shot; this is why his body is preserved well. I don’t think he died of hypothermia because after he got shot scientist said it was very painful, that led to he died right away and froze to death after he died. I also don’t think he could have been robbed because he was so well prepared with his ax and tools. He could have died in a battle but, if he had been preserved so well his other teammates that had died would have been pretty well preserved too. We also know he had a gold ax, and they believe gold axes were for leaders. The blood found on Otzi's arrowhead could have been from when he had set out looking for food and killed someone on accident. This concludes to why I think Otzi was assassinated. Hope you enjoyed my blog!
I think Otzi died because he was a victim of robbery. Most scientists think the iceman named Otzi died of an arrowhead that was found in the X-rays and CT scans. I think that maybe when he was leading his herd up in the Alps maybe some Neanderthals or other living people threw a sphere at Otzi. So they could have his sheep to eat and to make a profit. Then the snow covered him when he was dead. I think all of the other theories are wrong because they don’t fit with the arrowhead that was found in his left side in his shoulder. The other theories seem like they could happen but I think that he was a shepherded from his religious beliefs. The pollen from the trees was found in his stomach so that could possible from the leading of the heard of sheep. But then they found a lot of heavy internal bleeding. Some scientists think that the arrowhead paralyzed him so he could not defend himself from the other people that throw the sphere. Scientists think that after 3 hours with the arrowhead in Otzi’s left arm he died. This is why I think my theory on why I think Otzi died. I hope you enjoyed my post.
I agree with theory number 3 and my opinion is Otzi the iceman was assasinated. I believe Otzi the iceman was a religious leader or maybe a medicine man who used his powers to help people. Otzi's body and joints were in good shape because religous leaders or medicine men do not work hard. I think he was a religious leader because he had special tatoos on his back and legs. I think he was assasinated by someone who shot an arrow in his back because he did not believe in the same things Otzi did. Otzi the iceman also had a special axe that nobody else had. Theory number 1 says Otzi died from hypothermia. I do not believe he died from hypothermia because if you were cold you would not take off your clothes. I think he froze after he died. Theory number 2 says Otzi was a sheperd and killed by robbers. I think the robbers would just take his sheep and leave if he was running away. Theory number 4 says he was a soldier and deid in battle. I do not beliave Otzi was a soldier because his body and joints were in good shape. I do not think there was a battle in the Alps because it was to cold. Otzi was hurt to bad to dig a hole and gather his belongings. If he was killed in battle the other soldiers would have taken his axe and dagger. These are the reasons that Otzi the iceman was assasinated.
My opinion is....theory #1
When they had found him he had been frozen. When they had done some research, they had found an arrow in his back, but I think he had fallen in the water. If he was out there in the cold he could have easily died of being so cold, and froze to death. He could have gotten lost and could have not find is way back to home and got stranded, and froze too. I do not think it is theory #2 because if he did have a heard of sheep, the researcher team would have found sheep bones. I don't think it was theory #3 because they would have found a copper ax or come type of copper somewhere close to Otzi. I don't think it is theory #4 because if Otzi was in a battle, they would have found different bones from other men around Otzi, because of course other men in the battle would have died too. They would have also found axes or other weapons that could have been used in a battle. When Otzi was found he was frozen, and still had his Intestines and all of his body parts (inside of his body) were intact. So Nature Earth mummified him when he was frozen. So he would have had to been frozen, or froze to death. So that’s why I think it had to have been theory #1, died of Hypothermia.
In 1991, two hikers found Otzi the Iceman, the world's oldest mummy. The debate may go on and on but I believe Otzi was a victim of a robbery.
Over 5300 years ago, Otzi was a shepherd in the Alps. Due to the harsh and dramatic changes of the weather, Otzi wore cloaks, leggings, and a fur cap to keep him warm since he may be gone for long periods of time. He was a very smart and healthy man which a group of people were very jealous of and they wanted his sheep. I think the robbers tried to take his flock and he tried to defend himself, but they shot him with a 1"flint arrowhead in the left shoulder paralying his arm and he bled to death over the next few hours. In the pictures of Otzi, you may notice his left arm crosses over his body as if he was in pain on that side. His hands were full of bruises and cuts as though he was trying to fight back a attacker.
The Hypothermia theory is also very interesting and convincing. I believe after he got shot he fell into very cold water and froze to death. His body was so well preserved and had yellow leathery skin when he was found that scientists could tell that he froze quickly and may have died of hypothermia.
I don't think he was assassinated because I think he was an active and physically fit man. He was also a very smart man since he always had all of his supplies ready for long trips through the Alps. I think he kept to himself most of the time. I don't think he died in battle either. The many different kinds of blood found on his body were not of friends but of the robbers who tried to steal his flock and he fought back.
Whether my theories are correct or not, we will never know what really happened to Otzi the Iceman.
I think Otzi died of hypothermia because he was up in the Alps where it gets very cold. He was probably a sheperd taking his sheep through the Alps. Thats probably why he had a bunch of tools around him when he was found.
His tools that were found around him when he was found where probably to protect his herd. He probably ran into a nother person in the Alps and tried to protect his herd. Then he got into a fight. He then must of got shot with an arrow. Then causing a little bit of pain. When he got shot he must of already been getting sick of having hypothemia. So then he probably left the fight over his sheep,and kept going until he then died of freezing to death and then fell into the snow with his tools scattered around him. Then he layed their until he died.
THis is how to post a comment for the Otzi blog, which is due on Thursday, Sept. 23rd, 2010.
I love Otzi, but unfortunately I think he died of too much homework. That is why students now days should not be given homework. Otzi was a very good looking gentleman, even when they found him frozen 5,300 years later. He would have been a good friend of mine because obviously he liked to hunt. That is why he had a bow and arrow with him and a hatchet. I wish Otzi and I could hang out after school today. I would show him my PS3 and we would go down to the Mall and buy some new technology so that he wouldn’t get killed hiking in the Alps.
This posting was done as an example for 3rd period. It contains no factual evidence and should not be considered as an actual post for this assignment.
I love Otzi, but unfortunately I think he died of too much homework. That is why students now days should not be given homework. Otzi was a very good looking gentleman, even when they found him frozen 5,300 years later. He would have been a good friend of mine because obviously he liked to hunt. That is why he had a bow and arrow with him and a hatchet. I wish Otzi and I could hang out after school today. I would show him my PS3 and we would go down to the Mall and buy some new technology so that he wouldn’t get killed hiking in the Alps.
I love Otzi. He is my best friend. Why, you ask? Well because we go to the mall after school and buy silly bands. Today, Otzi is going to come to football practice with me. He is going to be the tackling dumby. He is very good at that, because he just has to stand there. After practice, Otzi and I are going to talk to our Neanderthal friends at Sunshine. They are no longer hunter-gatherers, but instead just buy their food at the grocery store. Smart, huh? Well, too bad they didn’t think of that thousands of years ago. They could have lived a better life.
This is a comment for 6th period
I think that the 4th theory is the right one. I think this is the one because there was blood found on multiple items all belonging to him. I think it was the “Death by Battle” theory. This one makes the most sense to me also because there was an arrow head in his shoulder. If there was an arrowhead in his shoulder than that most likely means he died in battle or was assassinated. I don’t think it was the assassinated one because, again, there was blood found on four different tools, or weapons that belonged to him. There was blood on his dagger, his cloak, his coat, his arrows, and his tools. I don’t think it was the hypothermia because it didn’t explain how he got the arrow head in his shoulder. I don’t think he could live with an arrow head in his shoulder. I don’t think he died from robbery either because the arrow head in his shoulder, and the blood on his belongings. I guess it could have been robbery because most of his items were missing, but that doesn’t explain the different blood DNA on A bunch of his things. The theory that makes the most sense to me is the “Death by Battle” theory.
I believe he died of hypothermia because it is very cold were he was. He was probably going to hunt. I think he was about to kill a animal before he died. It probably got really cold out all a sudden. He had a bunch of tools by were they found him. Otzi was the oldest mummy ever found. He could of got hypothermia because he fell in water and froze too death after trying to fight of other people.
I think he was a shepherd. I think people tried to rob his sheep. I also think he was a leader of a tribe and was going to explore different land. I think he got lost. I think that is a nether resin why he died of hypothermia.
I don’t think he died in a battle because he would have bean in a worse shape. He would have a lot more battle cuts and scrapes. He would probably have a lot more weapons than a bow and arrow. I think I am pretty sure that he died of hypothermia and not war or all those other things.
I think that Otzi was killed by a shot in the back from an arrow. They found evidence of an arrowhead in the back of his shoulder. Although he didn’t know the arrow was coming toward him, because it was coming in from behind. They think he was a religious leader, so they thought the assassinator was killing him for a reason of some particular purpose. He had about fifty nine tattoos on his body, so that was another reason they thought he was a religious leader. He had a copper axe, and that is a tool leaders usually would carry around. Copper axes were valuable had a sign of power. Usually, only leaders carry them.
I think he was shot by an arrow. What other reason would he have an arrowhead in his shoulder? Possibly, he could have done a robbery and when he was getting chased the people shot him with a bow and arrow. How didn’t the arrow head disappear over all the years though? I would think it would disappear after thousands and hundreds of years.
So, I think that Otzi was shot in the back by an arrow and was assonated by someone, and died of the pain or froze while he was sitting down, gripping his wound.
I believe Otzi the iceman was assassinated. I think part of his death was by hypothermia, but mostly assassination. I believe it was from the arrowhead found in his back/shoulder. I think someone was following him, or just was roaming through the Alps. He might have also been trespassing through a tribe’s territory. They probably were mad at him for something. I think theory #1 is wrong because the scientist found an arrowhead in his shoulder area. That proves that he didn’t just die of hypothermia. I think theory #2 is wrong because I don’t think there was much to rob back then and I don’t think they would follow him into the Alps just to kill him with an arrowhead. I think theory #4 is half right and half wrong, (mostly wrong). I don’t think it is right because you never know if the battle was with a human or animal. If it was with an animal, I definitely think it was wrong. How would you explain the arrowhead? I don’t really think he died from being in a battle, but it could have been with a human. That would be more of an explanation of the arrowhead. I guess theory #1 is half right to, but it is mostly #2. Again, because of the arrowhead found in his shoulder area. That is the best proof that it is theory #2. I could be wrong, but you have to speak out in what you think, it educates you no matter what.
I think Otzi was assassinated because of the proof such as the tattoos and the copper axe. He also could have been assassinated because of his riches or power over the people.
I also do not think he died of hypothermia because they say he may have fell through ice, but when the hikers found him, why didn't they fall through any ice? And if he froze to death then why was there an arrowhead in is shoulder?
He probably did not die from robbery because if he were a shepherd then there should be some bones or bodies of sheep or what ever he was watching over since it was very cold, he should have at least lost one of his sheep or cattle.
Theory number four i do not believe because if he was killed be being murdered that would explain the blood, or maybe like in theory three where it said that he healed people and in this case he was trying to heal someone with an open wound.
If I were to choose I would pick that he was assassinated over jealousy or over wealth. I am not one hundred percent sure , this is just my educated guess.
Thank you, and i hope you enjoyed my presentation online.
I think Otzi the iceman died because he was chased by assassins and they shot him with a arrow and they wanted his sheep because it had a good profit. But then he got away and he fell off a hill and he went into a tribes territory and then he saw that there were people chasing him so he ran away and then he was close to getting away but he fell on his arm and they caught up to him and they thought he was a spy or a assassin so they were going to stab him with a spear in the head but they thought he would die there anyways and they came back three hours but he wasn’t there so they started searching for him and then they were at the end of their territory so they thought he got away but when they were walking back they saw his foot and they walked over to him and they uncovered him and he was still barely alive so they stab him in the back of the head and that’s how I think Otzi died. Then 5,300 years later two people in the alps running find him.
I think Otzi died of assassinated because in the movie they found a arrowhead in the shoulder. I also think he could have of died of hypothermia because they found Otzi coat 10 feet away.Found his shoes off his feet and 3 inches away from him. They found his sack and it was empty so the person who murder him also stole evey thing so there are a lot of ways he could of died. I think he could of died 3 ways assassinated and hypothermia and robbery so yeah.
I think Otzi got assassinated because,if he died in battle there would probably be more died bodies around him. Otzi also could not have died of hypothermia because of the arrow in his back. It probably could have been a robbery,but I just don't think he was a sheperd. I think he was assassianted because, he had a copper axe, a sign of power and he had tattoos wich could mean he was a powerful leader. Someone probably didn't like his judgment so he might of told him a lie that in the alps there was plenty of food or if you were a leader you could get to the top of the Mountain and it would be impossible for him to die. So Otzi decided that he and the person that wanted to kill him to go on a hunting journey with a few other men. As soon as they got far they said that maybe he should go ahead and patrol the area. So he went ahead and they hid behind some rocks. as soon as he got there and boy, was he tiered, he sat down on a nearby rock and waited for them to catch up. They charged at him ,but he was able to kill one atacker but that didn't mean mutch,they ended up gitting him right in the back because they killed him like the Neandrathals killed buffolo by stabbing at him at all sides, but onley one got through all his thick choths. They took his clothes and covered it in blood and told the people that a wild animal kiled him and took him away, but somehow left the clothes behind. Before they left Otzi they covered him in a bit of snow so no one would know they killed Otzi. Thats what I think happened to Otzi, but remember thats just my theory.
I believe in theory number three he was assassinated because after seeing the video and the arrowhead in his shoulder I believe in the third theory. The movie was very amazing because at firth it made me think it was theory number one because it was saying that he fell right into the snow but did not show the arrowhead. When you fall into snow it can freeze you to death and that is what I thought at first. An arrowhead does make sense not dyeing of theory number one died from a robbery or dying from battle because there was no battle at that moment the other two would be ok because they make more sense. My question is why did someone shoot otzi the ice man maybe because they did not like otzi the ice man or because the guy was bored out of his mind or thought he was an outsider that was there illegally and had to shoot him. I think it was because he did not like otzi the ice man.
I think theory #3& 4 are the best fitted theories because he could have died in a battle or he could have been assassinated. These four paragraphs are my personal opinions.
I do not think theory one is the right theory because he could have taken off his shoes for any reason not just the warming sensation of hypothermia. Most bodies do not freeze right after they die even in cold weather. Just because his tissue and muscle was badly decomposed doesn’t mean he died from hypothermia. He could have died from anything.
Theory two might be the right one but I don’t think two is the right theory. Just because he has an arrowhead in his shoulder doesn’t mean he died from robbery. He could have been a shepherd but there weren’t any tracks in the ground so he couldn’t be a shepherd. The pollen in his stomach could have floated into his mouth and he could have swallowed the pollen and might not have gotten digested.
I think theory three is a good theory to describe Otzi’s death. Scientists did find an inch long arrowhead in Otzi’s left shoulder. I think he was a medicine man, or he was a religious leader. They found a copper axe close to Otzi so he could have had a sign of power before he died.
I also think he died in a battle. Scientists took DNA samples from Otzi’s clothing, tools, and weapons. Blood from four different people were found on these items. He could have carried an injured friend and the friend could have bled on his coat.
I think Otzi was apart of all four of them. Because number one said that he died of hypothermia. That could also go with number three because he was shot in the shoulder. But maybe he didn't die of the arrow he got shot with. Maybe he died of hypothermia with the arrow in his shoulder. He could have died in battle. But did they find any copper weapons? Or could he have died of a robbery? They could have robbed him by killing him first than see if there was anything in his shoes, or looked at all of his stuff then place it back around him. But if I had to choose one I would say he died in battle. Because he had other people's blood on his coat. And maybe they were told to put the soldier's belongings around the body as a symbol of honor. I don't think there was a lot people fighting in the battle because there was only four different types blood on his things; two different on his dagger and four different on his weapons, clothing, and tools. 5,300 years later I wonder what the two hikers thought when they saw Otzi. Also why did they name him Otzi? Anyway that is what I think happened to Otzi.
I think that Otzi was killed by a sharp arrowhead which went into the back of his shoulder.Otzi probably didn’t know it was coming because it came from behind him. I also think that while he was clutching hs wound he might of fell asleep and froze of hypothermia.
I also think that he was Religious Leader who was traveling in the Alps when he was shot. The reasons I think he was some kind of a Religious Leader because he had a lot of tattoos on his body which could of meant something religious. Also, he was carrying a copper axe which is a sign that he might have been wealthy. Also, he could of been a medicine man, which is another kind of leader, because he was carrying a mushroom that could help heal others. I also think that someone from his community could have been mad at him for some reason so then they made a plot to assassinate Otzi. This is how I think Otzi might have died of assassination and hypothermia.
If this wasnt the case the other thing that might of happened. Is that a person might of thought he was an intruder and shot at him. Then Otzi began to run when he sat down he stayed there for a while and ended up falling asleep and dying of hypothermia.
I think Otzi the iceman was assassinated because they found an arrow head in his back. I think someone came up behind him with a bow and an arrow. It might have been someone from another group that Otzi could have stole something from them. He could have snuck up on Otzi without making any noise. He almost hit Otzi right in his head but he missed barely and it hit him in the left shoulder. I do not think it instantly killed him but after walking for a while he lost too much blood. I think he walked as far as he could to get away even though he had his shoes off at the end. I think Otzi put up a fight because when he was found he had a hand ax in his hand. He might have killed the shooter with the hand ax and we just have not found him yet. The shooter could be alive and went back to his group to get help or he might be dead on the mountain somewhere. Then 5300 years later 2 hikers found the frozen body and we are trying to figure out what happened on the mountain to Otzi the iceman.
The scientist tried to unfreeze otzi the iceman to take test on him. They tried to design a face for otzi. When the scientist unfroze otzi the iceman his flesh was moveable. If they tried to move his arm it would braeke and his arm would fall off. The scientist tried to find out what otzi the iceman war. Two guy's were waking and found a small head, and shoulders. The two guy's and others took some tools and tried to get the body out of the iceman. they were recking the clothes on the body so they had different people try and get him out but they were recking the clothes to the scientist were suprised otzi the iceman still had flesh and skin. They put him in a fridge so he wouldn't defrost. The police thought it was a doll but then they looked at it for a while and then realized that it was real.He had dry, yellow skin like a mummy. He is the oldest mummy ever found. Tatoos:on his ankle, lower back, kneecap= not for decoration. teeth:showed wear= ate griains/breads. He is 45 years old. He war leather pants jacket:animal hides cape fur cap soft sheos stuffed with hay for warmth. The iceman was found on the border of astria and italy. He was descovered in the year of 1991. His last meal was: wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat were found in his colon. He caried arrows, a bow, rope, and rocks to make fire,
I think that Otzi died from assassination because they found the end of an arrow head in Otzis back, and because on the video clip that we watched in social studies class about "Otzi the Iceman" they showed that they found the tip of an arrow head in his back. They also showed on the video that they think that Otzi was walking, broke the ice and went right under the water and froze to death. Also in the video it showed that someone had been following him and had finally decided to shoot a bow and arrow at him. After Otzi was shot he grabbed the arrow that was in his back and snapped it in half and part of it was still in his skin, so that is probably how they found it.
He also might have died of hypothermia because it was so cold out there and he could have frozen to death.
They found Otzi 5,300 years later and brought him back to their workplace to see if they could find anything that would tell them how he died and who killed him. They "glazed" or "waxed" him and once they were ready to try and find out how he died they put him in a room that would kind of melt the stuff off of him. Then they would bring him back in another room and start figuring out how he died and who was the person that killed him. They also did some DNA samples on his clothes, his hunting tools, and the other stuff that he had with him. Once they were all done testing him it took about three men to carry and bring him back to his spot because if they were to drop Otzi they would be in big trouble and have to pay.
All these thoryes are really good. And all of them could be true but,I think that the way Otzi died. Was he died of hypothermia.
I think that because it was so cold. And it was easy for people to get hypothermia. When it was cold docters say that is really easy to get hypothermia.
He also could have died in robbery because,people that have stuied him say he was carreing a copper ax. A copper ax was really vaule then. So robbers could have shoot him with arrow head in his left shoulders. There might have been other things that Otzi was carrying but that was the most vaulble.
Otzi also could have been assassanted. They found other people's blood on his clothes. They belive that he was carrying incured people that were fighting in the war. I think this is not true becuase,I if he was there would have been other dead bodies around him.
There is also a fourth thory. And that thory is that he doed in battle. Which is that he died in battle. I also do not think this true becuase,ther would have to alot of other bodies around him. Which also what I aid I think happened in thory number 3.
I wish we could have recored all of the first part of the year. It was really fun I thank Mr.Nelson for such a great frist qurtar. I think Mr. Nelson is the best Social Studies teacher I have ever had.
P.S. I am not the best speller.
I think Otzi was assassinated because, they found an arrow head in his back. I belive that a neanderthal was hiding and watching him behind something so that Otzi coulden't see him, and then the shooter shot him on the left side of his back and barley missed his neck, but i am sure the neanderthal was aiming for his head, i'm not exacley sure why the neanderthal would want to shoot him, maybe he was like on his land by mistake and was mad so he decided to shoot him. well after he got shot he tried to get the arrow head out of his shoulder but he coulden't. Then he was in so much pain he coulden't move and he coulden't do anything about it and he lost so much blood.. i don't think he died in a battal because there was no bodys around his, it was only his body so i it would make more sence because there was only one arrow head in his entire body, because if he was in a battle i'm sure there would of been more arrow heads in his body. Well i guess he could of possibley died of hypothermia because he was in the mountains where it's like negivtive 0, so i guess it's possible, but i'm pretty sure it was thery #3. because obviously there was an arrow head in his shoulder and somebody was aiming for his head and was way off.
I believe Otzi the Iceman died of Hypothermia because the weather can change so quickly in the Alps that may have caused the Hypothermia. Another fact is he may have got lost and froze to death. He also may have got Hypothermia from when he fell into the water. According to the video scientist thought that Otzi died of Hypothermia so there is another thing that may have proved he died from Hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when the body temperate drops so when he was in the cold then he may have got Hypothermia. I believe Otzi didn’t die of victim of robbery because In the Videos there was nothing about having a flock. I also believe he did not die of robbery because he didn’t have any sheep and so if someone where to kill him they still wouldn’t have got any money out of it. I don’t believe he died in battle either because when Otzi was up in the Alps there was no one in the Alps until he was shot and that was the only person that he came upon. This is why I believe he died of Hypothermia. A few more things are if he would have been in battle there probably would be more than one person.
I think Otzi was assassinated because he was probably a religious leader or a tribe leader, and someone didn’t believe what he said and probably did not like him so that person killed him. Otzi had a copper axe, which shows a sign of power. He also had tattoos which might have had religious significance. Some person must have followed him in the mountains and killed him. In the video clip we saw it said Otzi had an arrowhead in his left shoulder blade, that is why I don’t think hypothermia is the main cause of his death. If he died in battle there could have been more dead bodies around him. It is possible a small group of people assassinated him, but Otzi tried to fight back, and the blood of the attackers got on his clothing.
I don’t think he died from a robbery because wouldn’t the robber take his things like his copper axe?
I think that Otzi may have died in battle because he had been shot in his shoulder blade with an arrow. DNA samples were gathered from his clothes, tools,etc. The tests showed that Otzi had blood on him from other individuals. For example, he had blood on his coat from one person, two people's blood on his arrows, and a person's blood on his dagger. Also, there was a border dispute at the time and a war had been started to settle it. Otzi may have carried a wounded friend or two to safety, shot two people with good arrows, and then may have been trying to fix his other arrows when he was shot in the shoulder blade with a flint arrow head. While Otzi was dieing, he still might of tried to fix his arrows to make one more shot before he died. The way he was lying in the ice and snow, an enemy may have sneaked up to him and slit his throat. Then Otzi slumped over and died. Since some of his bags and containers were empty, so the enemy could of killed him and then took the belongings he could use for battle. That is why I think that Otzi died in battle.
I think Otzi was assassinated. I think assassinated is the correct choice because in the video Otzi was hit by a bow and arrow going 90 Mph in the back of his head. I don't think it was any of the other ones expect maybe that he died from Hypothermia. My guess is that he mainly died from getting hit in the back of the head with an arrow but maybe he also had Hypothermia and that maybe also was something that also killed him.
I do not think that he was a victim of robbery because on the video I don't remember them talking about him being a victim of robbery. I think he was on his way to go somewhere or get something. Or possibly he was just out wandering around and he didn't know that he had wanderd into another territory. I thinks its possible that a protecter of the other group thought that he was an attacker and he was scared that he was going to hurt his group. So the enemy decieded to shoot him so he woldn't attack him. If I remember correctly he still had his clothes and some of his weapons that were found when the people found him. I think that why his arm was bent over his chest was because he was feeling around to check his back. Then I think he fell over and was unable to get back up. So then he just died there like that. Then he froze like that.
I believe that theory number four is the correct theory. They all seem possible, but I think the evidence found points to the theory that Otzi died in the battle on the border of Austria and Italy. One example of that evidence is Otzi’s weapons and his coat had four different types of blood on them (one type of blood on his dagger, one type on his coat, and two types on his arrow). I believe this blood is from the different people Otzi had killed during the battle. The other theories don’t seem as possible because if he had been robbed, assassinated, or died of hypothermia, he would not have had the opportunity to spread out his belongings before he died. I believe that during the battle, Otzi was shot in the back of his shoulder with an arrow while he was trying to defend his friends and himself. After being shot, he wandered away from the battle site. I believe he spread out his belongings in search of something that might lessen the pain from the arrow or something that would keep him from dieing. But, before he found what he was looking for, he slumped over in pain with one arm across his chest and died tragically.
I think that Otzi died from hypothermia because he was in the Alps and that is an extremely cold and windy place. He could have been walking on thin ice, fell, and couldn't escape. Falling through the ice helped preserve the body. He was probably hunting when he fell into the ice. It was easy to get lost in the Alps and a big snow storm probably came up and he couldn't see where he was going and froze him to death.
I don't think he was a victim of robbery because he had most of his belongings still close by him. Most of the scientists found his belongings so he wasn't robbed. He couldn't been robbed because he didn't have sheep with him and he was not a Shepard.
I don't think he died in a battle because he just had his weapons for protecting himself and to hunt predators. He could have used his weapons for making fire too.
I don't think he was assassinated because he was the only one on the mountain but there could have been someone else that was after Otzi and Otzi ran away and hid. When he sat down he could have fallen asleep and died of hypothermia.
I think that otzi the iceman did died of hypothermia because he was in the cold mountains for a long time and it was really cold up there. I do not think he got robbed because when he fell he was laying there for a long time and they had storms and it was really windy so his stuff probably blew away with the wind. I do not think he died of battle because like in the first question i think he died of hypothermia. I think that because of the way he was laying down. I do not think he was assassinated because know one would of known he was up in the moutains.He was found with his head and shoulders showing .The people that discovered him were climbers that were climbing the moutains.They had to take his body and put it in a fridge or it will get soft and start to get yellow and his skin would look like a mummy and the only time they took him out was if the needed to take rests and if they wanted to learn more about otiz. He carried rocks that he made fire out of and his shoes were stuffed with hay for warmth. He mite of killed himself like that’s why his arm is bent twartws his back like he stabbed him self but he dint want it to be obvious so he did it from behind.
I think Otzi the iceman died in a battle. I think he was in a battle because scientists found blood from four different people on his clothing snd weapons. This could be blood from people that he killed or fought. The blood on his arrows could be from this battle or a previous battle. He may have had the strength to arange his belongings after he was shot, or maybe his friends aranged them. Or he could have died eariler in the battle.
I don't think he died of hypothermia. His killers could have stole his shoes after they had shot him.
I also dont think he was a victim of robbery. His bones showed that he did not do hard work like a shepard. The pollen in his stomach could be there even if he was not a shepard.
I don't think he was a victim of assassination because this would not explain the blood of four diferent people. The tattoos could also be a sign of a great warrior. The mushrooms could be used by warriors to heal wounds.
I think that Otzi did of hypothermia because he was found in a big snow pile and I don't think that he got robbed because they probley would have stoled his cothes to.I don't think that he died of being assassinated because maybe he just had blood from previous events. I don't think that he died in a battle because what if he just had battles before and won and had blood from it.
The stone age was a instresting time period. The Neaderthales struggled for survival. The Neaderthales hunted Wooly Mammoths,Giant Ground Sloth,and the Sabor Tooth Tiger.Some of the artifacts that the archaelogists found where building,tools,pottery,and arrowheads. Archaelogists can determine where people migrated from and where they went. Early people started in east Africa and traveld to north Africa.Then divided in half,one group went to north Europe and the other went east Asia.The ice age lasted 11,000 years.When the glacier mealted the oceans began to rise again.The stone age lasted 3,490,000 years.Then early farming began, the people planted plant,wheat,rice and barley.Then the animals where goats,puppies,sheep and cattle.Thats all about the ice age,stone age,and early farming. The End
Emily K. Period 4
I think that Otzi was a victom of robbery. Number one reason was that he had very warm clothing that would have kept him warm in the alps while he was moving his flock of sheep.
Number two reason was that the time of year that he died was also the time of year that sheperds moved their flocks.
Number three reason was that Otzi had pollen in his stomach and that pollen was fond on the trees where sheperds commonly moved their flocks.
Number four reason is that an arrow head was found in the icemans left shoulder. The arrow head ended up paralyzing his left arm. There are also signs of heavy internal bleeding. Medical examiners have determined that Otzi probably died about three hours after he was shot and they think it was probably very painful.
Reason number five is that robbers saw his flock and probably wanted it for their own profit. Considering the paragraph above that he was shot and died only a few hours after it is highly possible in my opinion that Otzi the iceman probably died of robberey.
Many people say that he died of hypothermia but considering Otzi was wearing very warm clothing when he died I don’t think that he could of died of that cause.
But whatever Otzi died from each reason is very possible but I still conclude that I think that Otzi the iceman was a victom of robberery.
I think Otzi the iceman died from an assassination, because the forensic scientists found an arrow head in his left shoulder blade. which means he was probably behind enemy lines so he was being stalked and his stalker was trying to kill him. I think he couldn't have been robbed because there was tools and weapons near him. plus he also had his clothes on him which means either he was assassinated or killed by a stupid robber. Also he couldn't have died of hypothermia because i don't think somebody would shoot him when he was already dead. I don't think he died in battle because. There probably would have been other bodies in at least a two mile radius and the scientists would probably send out other archeologists to find some more bodies and artifacts such as bows and arrows, axes, knives, etc. and there would be blood traces in the dirt in at least a two mile radius from Otzi the iceman, and the blood found on his clothes and tools could have been ancient animal blood from his last hunt.
I think that Otzi died of assassination and hypothermia because there was an arrowhead in his left shoulder blade which I think made him fall and get hurt so badly that he was unable to move and then he froze to death. I do not think he was a victim of robbery because if was he would not have any clothes or weapons on him. But, I do possibly think that he could have been robbing other poeple and was shot in his left shoulder by someone he had just robbed. I do not think he died in battle because he could have shot other people with his arrows and then when he took the arrows out of the people he shot he got blood on his coat then he could have been shot by one of the people he was robbing. Otzi was found with food in his stomach which makes me think that he did not plan on any battle that day. Also,he was found without shoes which makes me think the hypothermia was setting in and that made him feel warm that is why he took his shoes off. That is what I think happened to Otzi.
Max .h p.d 8)
I believed that Otzi died because someone assassinated him on his way to find someone. Otzi was a shepherd in his clan he did not perform many physical tasks. I think Otzi was one of the people who went to get food for his clan. Otzi probably was many different religious leaders but I’m not sure what type of life he lived. I don’t know what type of community he lived in what was a round his habitats Otzi also had some mushrooms that he used for medicine for his clan. He knew all types of medicine. Otzi had mystery of tattoos but I’m not sure how many tattoos he had. Did his tattoos tell us something about his life back then when he was alive? Telling by his markings is he a leader or is he a assassinator. He used copper hand axes and he carried a bow and air. He wore cloth cloths from what he killed and made a bag to hold his equipment in it. I think he died because he shoots someone and killed that person so one of the men decided to go assassinate Otzi. So Otzi was a hunt for something one day and did not suspect the aero come and hit him then kill.
I think theory number three is right because I think Otzi was a community leader. He probably got hit by a bow and arrow because, someone didn’t like how what he did or he got hit that did not like him. The copper axe, the bow and the arrow was with him because, someone warned him someone was after him. Why Otzi died with one arm a crossed his body was because, he reached and took out the arrow that was in his body than he reached for his bow and arrow but, he did not get his bow and arrow in time. He had his copper axe to help him make places to step so he could get through the snow easier, or the copper axe was given to him for a gift for being a community leader. What he was trying to do was to get over the mountain to see what was over it or he was trying to get over it because someone was coming after him. He had the tattoos on his body to tell about his religion, what happened in his life, or maybe they had a special meaning. That is what I think happened to Otzi.
I sadly believe that Otzi was a victim of...robbery! One day when he was hiking in the treacherous Alps with large flock of sheep he didn't know that there were people following him, so he got shot with an arrow in the left shoulder right above his big heart. The nasty robbers must have wanted his beautiful flock. He had a special box with him. Once the robbers got his box they took anything valuable that was in it to sell and make a fortune. When scientists found him they found his bow unstrung with some arrows complete with tips and some not. They also found a ugly grass cloak with warm sheep skin leggings. Finally they discovered his special box to be completely empty. Over the years scientists have studying his nicely preserved remains and are currently trying to create a face to match the bone structure of his cranium protector. Scientist have done many tests to figure out where geographically Otzi came from and what direction the murderer was when he aimed and shot. Scientist physically tested how hard it was to climb the mountain with a flock and the clothing he was wearing the day his life came to an end. Still today scientists are still trying to figure out the theory that most makes since to the mysterious death of our good, close friend, Otzi the ICE MAN!!! And that my friends is the correct life and adventures of poor old Otzi.
I think he died of hypothermia because when he was walking he just fell so thats why i think he died I think it was a because when he was walking in the Alps he just fell so that’s why I thought that a was the right choice. I am choosing to right about otiz the iceman. The discovery of Otzi the iceman was in 1991. Two hikers in the Alps found a dead body. All they could see was the head and the left shoulder sticking out of the ice. The iceman was found on the bounder of Austria and Italy. Otzi was in danger. The Italian police think it was a doll but quickly discovery that otzi is real. Italian police think that a recent death. The results of the iceman is when the scientist stated to jack hammering the body to get the ice off to discovery more facts about otiz . The jack hammering of otiz destroyed much of otiz clothes. Dr. Henn arrived on the scene of were otiz was found to discover more about otiz. After Dr. Hann has inspected the body. He realizes that otzi was ancient. Dr. Henn could tell was because he had dry yellow skin like a mummy that has been persevered in the ice. Warmer weather in Alps causes the glaciers to melt. Those revealing Otiz. After otiz was discovered he was taken to a museum to be studied more. Otiz was the oldest mummy ever found. Otiz was 5’22” and had brown curly hair. When they found him they thought that he had gotten a recent hair cut. Tattoos on the lower body: Ankle, lower back, kneecap. Otiz did not have tattoos for decoration. Otiz last meal was wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat was not found in his colon. Otizs clothing was leather pants, Jacket made out of animal hides, a cap, fur cap, soft shoes stuffed with hay to keep warm. Otiz was about 45 years old.
I believe that Otzi was assassinated, or murdered. I think he was assassinated because in the video that we watched he got shot in the back of his shoulder. It also showed in the video a guy who shot him that backed away after he shot him. I don’t think that he got hypothermia because when he got shot I don’t think he was freezing. I don’t think he got robbed either because he had all of his items were around him, and Otzi had some mushrooms. When searchers were looking for his body they found his mushrooms that’s why I don’t think he was robbed. I don’t think Otzi was in a battle because it showed in the x-rays that his joints were stiff and he didn’t move around a lot. I also don’t think he was in a battle because his bow wasn’t finished, and neither were his arrows. I think that Otzi walked away from the spot he got shot at because he thought it wouldn’t effect him very much on his journey. I think his stuff was spread because the glaciers he was on were moving as he got mummified for five thousand three hundred years. All of these theories could have been true but I personally think that he got assassinated.
I Think Otzi Died of Hypothermia... Beacause He
had cloth shoes on they were not very thick so ice could accidentaly go thru his shoes. his coat was thick but he could have tooken it off. He walked a long way so he could have got tired and fell.
I also think he may have died of being a robber, scientists found a arrowhead in his shoulder that they thought was several fractured/broken ribs. They Found a knife on him and 50 several tattoos.
My own theroy is that a close friend stabed a arrowhead in his,shoulder, ran away then made a hideout in the woods so his friend, Otzi would not find him, Otzi tried too shoot back at him but his bow was broken and his arrows were unfinished. His pine ridge bok might have had food in there his friend might have robbed him of that, too. Otzi was most likely (on My fact) A weak... weak soldier who got traded all the time.
My Other Theroy is Otzi was a banker he used his pine ridge box too keep money in he got robbed, the man/woman that robbed him stabed and arrowhead in his shoulder he tried to get his trades back but he froze to death and died.
I think otzi a victum of robbery because he was a shepperd and people wanted the sheep for there own profit. But could not get them by trade but they found Otzi in the mountains and didnt know why he was there. Later they found his sheep and they were about to take the sheep but then otzi came just in time. So they ran so they did not get seen so there for they found out Otzi owned the sheep and followed him around for a few days.Well they were following him the made some arrows and bows to kill Otzi but they also had to find food for them so one went out to find food andd the other watched Otzi when the one person got back and Otzi rested one of them would rest and the other would watch Otzi then when Otzi was asleep the other one would watch and the other one would sleep and as soon as Otzi got up the one that was awake would wake the other up then they fine they tought it was time to get rid of Otzi so they got ready to kill Otzi and take his sheep first the got their arrowsd out and ready then there bows then ket go and Otzi dropped down and he was dead and then he frozeand that was the end of Otzi
I think that Otzi was killed by robbery. Some scientists think Otzi was a shepherd because he had pollen in his stomach were herd their sheep. Maybe a person wanted to get Otzi’s sheep. There was an arrow head in his left shoulder blade. This arrow head probably paralyzed his left side
I think he did not die of battle because there were no bodies around Otzi. The bodies around Otzi (if there was) would probably freeze by Otzi, but if he just got killed in the battle that ruins my theory about if he died in battle.
Also I think that he might have been assassinated. Otzi had 59 or more tattoos on his body which means that he was a shaman or a community leader. So maybe he went up the mountain to get away from all the action. While he climbed up the mountain somebody wanted to be the leader so he shot an arrow at Otzi.
The hyperthermia theory I think would happen after he died not before. His coat was very thin but his shoes had no traction on the mountain and did not have very good insulation. His copper axe could help him climb a mountain or a sign of power. Copper axes were very valuable; only leaders had copper axes. I hope you enjoyed my say in how Otzi died.
i think it was theory#3 because in the video otzi got assassinated by a guy who shot him in the back with a bow n arrow and when he got shot he could not move The arrow head ended up paralyzing his left arm. i also think he died from hypothermia hypothermia is when you freeze to death which happend to otzi because laying in the snow for so long caused him to die after a while.
I thought he was a sheperd because of his clothing he was wearing when they found him. Why did he have one arm accross his body because he reached for the arrow in his sholder he fell into the snow and then he could not move.
They found out what he looked like by useing a police deta base they figered it out by useing his skull.
he had a lot of tattoos on his body to represent his religion. he had a gap in between his teeth.
when they found him he had no shoes on.
Otzi had pollen in his stomach and that pollen was fond on the trees where he was when they found him that is my blog on otzi.
My theory is that he was a Shepard and he was killed for his most prized posession and that is for his sheep. The person who assassinated him was a cruel, and mean person who was greedy for someone else's stuff.
But otherwise he was a great person and he was a awesome medicine dude, because he could cure any sickness or disease,and peoople respected him for that.
He was only able to visit his family and reletives one a year because he would travel with his heard and he would only make it back once or twice a year. His reletives were really happy when he came home and they would throw a party and celebrations for his homecoming, but when he did not come home when the time came then his village started to worry. He had always come home at the same time of year and when he did not come there was a big commotion and people thought they made the cakes and stuff for nothing. One of the Otzis friend said that he would come and they had nothing to worry about and that he would surely would come home that next week and people agreed with him. Everyone exept his wife, who was eight months pregnant with a baby and was worried that her husband may not get to see his first child, and he was only 45 and if he died at such a young age she would never know so what if he never showed up then she would never see him ever again. That wouldn't be good, and what if someone would find him in the next 5,300 years? Then would they be famous? That would be really cool. Well this is my theory that what happened to Otzi the Iceman.
I think the reason why Otzi died is of theory 2 which is robbery because I think he was a shepard. I think he got robbed because the robbers saw him coming and wanted his flock of sheep for their own profit. When Otzi saw the men coming after him he ran away. I do not think he died of hyprothermia because he had a 1 inch arrowhead in his left shoulder which tore through the nerves and blood vessels paralyzing his left arm. There are signs of heavy internal bleeding. Medical examiners have determained that the iceman died probably three hours after he was shot with the arrow and that his death was probably a very painful death. I also think Otzi was robbed as a shepard because Otzi had pollen in his stomach. This pollen is fond in the spring on trees were shepards commonly led their flocks. Also Otzi had very warm clothing that would have kept him warm in the alps while moving his flock of sheep. I also think that he died of hyprothemia because he was moving his flock of sheep at the time of season and the robbers planed to follow him and robbed him at the right time. I think all four theorys could be true but I think that Otzi was a victim of robbery.
I think otzi it is theory #4 Assasissinated because in the video we watched he got shot in the back by an arrowhead and his shoulder was covering his arm, It also showed the guy that shot him. I dont think he died of hypothermia because in the video it showed that the coat was war . Plus they had fire so it wasnt that cold. In the summer it is hot out so I dont think it is hypothermia.I thought it was going to be theory 2 because most of the stuff was empty.The bag was empty but then I gused that it was theory 3 because it showed it in the video but that was there theory.I dont think he died in a battle but he could of died by one but I think he was shot with a arrowhead and thats why I think it isnt the died in the battle. I thought it was because they have to fight to get there meat and some hot stuff like fur. And there could be a huge elk ,or saber toohth and other animal he could of died by. But agin I think its killed by someone because in the video we watched showed a guy that killed otziwith a bow arrow with a arrow head that got in the body of otzi.
I think that Otzi was assassinated because of the arrow in his left shoulder. I don't think he died of hypothermia because of the arrow, too. I think that the blood on his cape could have been that of his murderers. He was probably hit by the arrow first, and then attacked by others. They would have finished him fairly easily because of the arrow.
I don't think it was theory number two because his copper ax and other artifacts were found near him. Copper was very valuable in those days, so the robbers would have stolen it and everything else he had.
I don't think it was theory number four because although it was also a likely theory, due to the blood found on him, they probably would have fought in a warmer place, and plus there would have been other bodies as well.
Otzi might have been a shepherd, but that doesn’t explain the tattoos on his body, or why he was assassinated. Another problem with that is that he probably wouldn’t have led his herd into the mountains. My theory is that he was a shaman or a medicine man taking a shortcut through the mountains. I think he was attacked by another tribe, and killed.
That is my theory as to what happened to Otzi.
I think Otzi died of hypothermia because Otzi was so well preserved. So when he died he had no clothing near him which is one of the things that come with hypothermia. But I also think that he had died in battle since there was an arrowhead in his left side shoulder.
Because that happened I think he got shot in the shoulder and was hiking in the Apps. When he got to the spot where he died he took off his cloths because of the hypothermia was begging to kick in. I also think that the person that killed him went along with him to see if he died the way that person wanted.
I wonder if Otzi had died the way he was found or was he buried by the person who had killed him. Or was it someone who was a friend he trusted? Or was it maybe an enemy he deeply despised.
Another thing is why were they fighting? Was it because some people were very poor back then and Otzi was one who was very rich with his sheep and they wanted them for there value? Was there others involved in the death of the ice man or was it only that one person who killed him.
Those are some of my theories about the death of Otzi.
I think that OTZI died because of assasination by a member of his communitty. If he had an arrowhead shot into his shoulder then its likely to die.I think he could have died from Hypothermia but he was covered in thick animal fur.He could have been robbed but i think if he were robbed someone who have left prints of blood since he would have killed someone.Maybe he got killed in a battle but dont u think their might be other people in the ice also.He wouldnt be the only one cause in a battle more than one person dies and is laying on the ground or in this case laying in the ice.
I think that Otzi was a victim of robbery, was also assassinated to be robbed, and he may have been dieing, but hypothermia made him die faster. The scientists think he was a shepherd and was leading his flock up the mountain, and someone wasn't very rich so they needed money, so they decided to shot him in the back. Hypothermia could have killed him, like maybe Otzi needed to rest so he laid down and sleep and then he died in his sleep. Since his arm was crossed over maybe that is how he is comfortable when he sleeps. Nobody knows who had killed him but maybe one day we can figure this out in the future. Today we can learn a lot about people from the past. Otzi had many items around him like an unfinished bow and arrows, an empty pouch, an empty backpack, and heavy clothes for staying warm in the Alps. Like I said before we may never know who killed, why, or how he died. I wonder how he did die T more leaning to he died because of the arrowhead in his back. H could have bled to death but I hope we find out soon.
I think it is theory 3 why I think this is because in a.d 1991 two hikers were hiking near Austria and Italy. They saw this body sticking out of the snow. The body that they saw was Otzi. I believe that Otzi got shot in the back. I think someone assassinated Otzi. Otzi had 59 tattoos on him so scientists believe that he was a political leader. Forensic scientist used hop hornbeam pollen found in Otzi’s digestive tract to determine that the Iceman came from the area around the village of Katharinberg. Forensic pathologists used computer software and a police databases to identify the type of clothing Otzi was wearing when he got shot in the back with an arrowhead. Otzi was hard to figure out what actually happened to him. Of course they figured it out the ending came to. Otzi got shot in the back with an arrowhead. Why I didn’t pick theory #1 is because he had a hole in his body on his shoulder. Why I didn’t pick # 2 is because there was no money back then in the B.C days. Why I didn’t pick # 4 is because there would have been more bodies around the area if there were a battle. Otzi was the best thing we learned about this year for me I hope I learn more.
I think Otzi died of Hypothermia. The temperature was probably really cold in the Alps. The movie we watched about Otzi said that otzi might have fallen through thin ice and couldn’t get back up. I believe that could be true but on the other hand I don’t. Otzis feet were dressed in thin boots so I’m sure his feet were frost bite. I also think that Otzi could have been assassinated because they found a arrow in his back shoulder. The person that killed him could have been someone from is village that didn’t like him. When the arrow hit Otzi he probably lost a lot of blood when he pulled it out and then fell in the snow.
I don’t think Otzi was part of a robbery because he didn’t have any sheep. If he did have sheep the sheep would of died in the really cold weather. I don’t think Otzi was in a battle because there would have been different mummies around. I think Otzi was just walking then all of a sudden he was shot. I really liked it when they told us about what he ate before he died. I also think that when they made his face on the computer it was cool.
I beleive it is theory number three. Because his tatoos might of been some part of a religious group. Did his religion offend or anger anybody? To push them to the only way but to kill Otzi. Or maybe as said in the reading that he was powerful. So powerful that Otzi could do something bad. So bad that they would kill him to stop it. I also dissagree with the other thoughts. number one died of hypothermia I agree it was cold enough to kill. Just it doesnt explain the way he got an arrow head stuck in his back! Now number two the death of robbery. First why would a sheperd own a copper axe which was owned by powerful people. Unless he was a powerful sheperd. And last number four theory of dieing in battle. I find this one hardest to beleive. For starters how did they only find his body in that area so far? And the blood on his clothes could of easily happened some other time. They didnt have washing machines 15,000 years ago! And the blood could of been when he was killing or doing something to someone else. After thinking on what I wrote i think the reason they assassinated him is because one of the things in his religion is killing people! That might be why he was assassinated if thats even the right theory.
I think that Otzi was killed by a robbery for his flock of sheep. During this time of the year, shepherds would herd there sheep in the Alps and Otzi had shepherd clothes on. Otzi was found in the Alps. I don't think that Otzi died of hypothermia because I think that he would of died before then when he did and there was an aero in his back. The aero would have killed him because it went through his nerves and blood vessels it shepherd his shoulder blade and paralyzed his left arm. I don't think that Otzi died by being assassinated because I don't think back then there would of been a need to assassinate someone. I don’t think that Otzi died in a battle because there was no discovery of a battle in that time at that place and there would probably be more than one person discovered in the ice because a lot of people die in battles. There were many different artifacts found near him. He probably was shot with the aero and then the people or tribes that shot the aero were probably watching him to see when they could take his sheep and it probably took some planning and effort to kill and rob someone back then. That is what I think happened to Otzi.
Based on known information, I think Otzi was a victim of robbery. It seemed like that when he was in the mountains; he was walking with his flock, (animals), and got shot by an arrow. As soon as Otzi got shot, he was in shock, so he fell down the mountains as soon as it hit him. Therefore, Otzi didn’t die as soon as he fell, but, he did get seriously injured and landed on his left arm. It also seemed like Otzi lived a slow and painful death. I in my opinion, think that he could’ve died of hypothermia as well. That was also very likely because of the very unusual weather in the Alps. He probably was walking got too tired and weak to even know what was happening, got hit in the arm by an arrow, and fell on his arm. Some scientists think that the arrowhead paralyzed him so he could not defend himself from the other people that threw the sphere. I don’t think he died in a battle because not that many people were there. More than likely, there was a person following him throughout his journey. I don’t think he died of assignation because if he did, there would be many other damages in his bones. Hypothermia and Victim of Robbery seemed more realistic to me. I am looking forward to learning more about Otzi and more about our History.
I think Otzi was a victim of a robbery. The other theories about Otzi do not make sense.
The assassination theory does not make sense because there were no valuables near him when we found him. The definition of an assassination is the targeted killing of a public figure, usually for political purposes. If he was important someone would have came looking for him and then buried him, probably even with valuable items. So because nobody came to look for him he probably was not very important person in his society.
The theory that says he died in a battle is wrong because there was no body else that was found near him. In a battle a lot of people die or are wounded. Otzi was found alone, and there was no one else’s blood near him.
The other theory is that he died of hypothermia. It is wrong because he had an arrowhead in his back. The arrow was found near him, and there was no arrowhead on it. The injury is the reason why he died, not the cold.
We will never know the exact reason why, how, or who killed Otzi the iceman. We can find other information about Otzi like what he ate and how he lived. He passed through a field where there was hop hornbeam pollen in it within the last 6-12 hrs of his life. He had 59 tattoos on his body. We believe that he was about 40 years old. And there was still food in his digestive system.
I think Otzi died of robbery and hypothermia because some robbers held one arm, then put their leg in front of his then tripped him. For hypothermia he could have been hurt and could not get back up. Then 5,300 years, later we found his dead body very well preserved. I think this because it was autumn and thats when sheperds sometimes get robbed for the sheeps fur and meat for the winter.
I believe that theory #3: the assassination is the true theory, because I believe that Otzi was a religious leader in the village of Katharinaberg. Otzi had lots of mysterious tattoos that I think had religious significance. Another sign that he is a religious leader is his valuable copper ax because not many people have valuable axes if they are not leaders. I believe that Otzi was going to a different town because no one liked his religious services in Katharinaberg. When he was walking on the Appalachian Mountains away from Katharinaberg one of the people who went to his services and did not like them, snuck up behind him and shot him with a bow and arrow in the back side by his shoulder blade. That’s why the archeologists found an arrowhead in Otzi’s back. Otzi also had some mushrooms that were known for their medical value. Archeologists think that he might have been a medicine man, but I think he picked the mushrooms for himself just in case he got hurt while walking the Appalachian Mountains. I don’t think he could help himself with the mushrooms because the bow shot was a good shot. Also I don’t think he could get the mushrooms because it was so cold out, so it was a pretty fast death.
I belive Otzi died of hypothermia. The arrow head in his shoulder had no shaft it was probaly broken off and he assumed it was out. As shown in the demonstraition video his boots were unable to make it up the mountain. This led me to belive that Otzi fell becase of his boots. He most likely hit his head and suffered a concussion. This explains were he was. He most likely got lost and be came tired and died from exaustion or the blacked out (becase of concussion) and died due to hypothermia his gear consisted of a birch box, unstung bow, empty back pack. quiver, ( note not all arrows are finised )his cap, pants, grass cape, shirt/coat of hides, copper ax and a pouch that contained grass rope/sting material.
I belive that grass material was a bow string he was in the process of making. however he had his knife drawn wich was his last attempt to survive. ( he was probaly using it to pull himself along) The reason he is in such an akward position is that as he was crawling along he collapsed and froze. Otzi may have also died becase of a whip worm (an intestial perisite). The worm could have carried an infectious diese that made him tired dizzy and flu like symptoms that probally cased him to fall. The hole in the back of the head was probally to release evil spirits. In his time they thought that they were caused by evil spirits and drilled a hole in the back of his head to release them.
I think that Otzi the iceman was a victim of robbery. The person or persons that did it probably stole his flock of sheep or other personal belongings. There is proof that he got shot in the back by a arrow. There was a flint arrowhead in his left shoulder blade. I also think that Otzi died of hypothermia. I would guess that he could of got hypothermia by laying on the ground after he got shot in the back. I don’t think that Otzi fell through ice in to water because the people that found him would have also found the water. Otzi probably lived a hard life. Another reason I think Otzi was a victim of robbery is that scientists found pollen in his intestine. That specific pollen came from a valley which most shepherds travel through.
I don’t think Otzi died in battle because there could have been more bodies and more weapons. Also where Otzi was found does not sound like the best spot to have a battle or fight. If Otzi was assassinated his body would be in a much worse condition than it is now. It is amazing that Otzi’s body survived 5,300 years of wear and tear weather. One thing is why was Otzi killed or how did he die that is what I would like to know the truth about.
I think Otzi the Iceman was assassinated because people got jealous that he had sheep to make warm clothing for himself because it was said that he was a sheep herder. I don’t think Otzi died of hypothermia because when they found him he had no clothes on. I don’t think if he was cold he would take off his clothing because that would just make him colder. I think he died from the injury from the arrow the scientist’s found stuck in his back. I think what happened was that greedy people wanted his sheep for food and clothing during the cold season. I don’t agree he was trying to rob others because I believe Otzi was a wealthy man to begin with since he was a sheep herder. I don’t think he died in battle in a war because they said that Otzi’s bones were in good shape and I think that if you were in battle, you wouldn‘t have good bones from all the injuries you would have from battle. I think that Otzi the Iceman had good tools for all his journeys because Otzi had a copper axe, bow and arrows. That is my theory of how Otzi the Iceman died.
Here our my theories on how Otzi died. Theory number one, Otzi might of died by being assassinated. Here the theory scientists believe he fell to his death because of how and which way is arm bone is pointed. After x-rays and CT scans, they discovered what looked like an arrowhead. After further research and many more x-rays they saw and confirmed it as an arrowhead. That means that someone had to be following him. They believe he was a shepherd so they think someone might of killed him to get his sheep. Another part in figuring this out is that it was in between the borders of Italy and Austria so he may have been trespassing. This might be true or it may not be, there is no possible way to be one-hundred percent sure.
My next theory is that he died in battle. Scientists took DNA test and found at least four other human’s blood stains on his coat or jacket, and his pants. That makes archeologists wonder if the shepherd carried the wounded to safe spots then tried to heal them. They found a small knife with him, but no other bodies were found around the area. So if this theory is true, what happened to the others and why did this specific person survive? They are not sure when you think about it if Otzi’s body was preserved wouldn’t the other bodies be to if he did die in battle.
Archeologist and Scientist are working their hardest to find the best possible answers these theories are what I think happened based on facts from archeologist and scientist have said.
Scientists believed that Otzi died of hypotermia. They say it is easy to get lost in the elps where they found him. He froze to death and died. He was found with no shoes on. The cold turned him into a mummy with yellow leatherly skin. He was wearing a cloak and leggings. They found pollen in his stomach. A one inch arrow-head was foun in his left shoulder. He was found with many tattoos on his body they may be because of his religion. Blood from two other people was found on the arrow in his back. Otzi had two good arrows and was building more. Before he died he arranged his belongings in the ledge around him. DNA samples were gathered from otzi's weapons, clothing, and tools.
His body was so well preserved that he might of froze right after his death. Hypothermia occurs when the body tempeture droppes significantly. Otzi mustle tissue was badly decomposed as was the outer layer of skin.
Otzi might of helped other people to safty because he was found with blood on his coat.
they thout otzi might have crossed another territory and was not wanted and was shot by a bow and arrow.
Otzi was found in 1991,when two hikers found him in the Alps on the boarder of Astria and Italy. The two hikers found him as they were walking in the Apls,when they saw a small head and shoulder. The hikers thought he was probably 45 when he died,and 5'2",with brown curly hair,he had many tatoos on his body. His last meal was showed in his teeth ,he ate wheat bread,green herbs or veggies,and meat was found in his colon. Dr.Henne arrived on the scene, he said the skin was yellow like a mummy and his body was very well proserved.I think Otzi died by being assissinated. Because in the video Dr.Henne took xrays of the body and discovered he has a small arrow head in his shoulder. Scientists thought that a hunter through a spear,trying to aim for his heart or neck,but was off target. Some people think he could have died of Hypothermia because of wear they found him and how they found him frozen in the ice. Otzi maybe could have killed himself , by how much sharp items he was carrying , he could have easily could have just sat down and stabbed himself. I'm sure that Otzi did not die in a battle,did not get robbed,or get Hypothermia. He was assissinated and thats how Otzi died.
I beleive Otzi died of murder. The reason I beleive that is the arrowhead in his sholder. After he got shot, I think he bled to death AND hyperthermia. Why I believe that is, he was in the alps and it was very cold also he had an arrowhead in his sholder. There was also blood on his coat. Otzi, I think, was a preist going up to the mountains to talk to his "god" beacuse he had questrions for it or them from the people from his village who belive in that "god". while he was up there I think he had crossed a border and they did not want him there beacuse those two countries hated one another so they shot Otzi. After they shot Otzi, I think who ener killed him took his things in his backpack as you can see in Mr. Klumper's video. I think his bow was unstrung beacuse after he got killed he landed on his bow and the string broke off the bow. He might have dropped it and it broke on a rock.
i want to change my theory about the robbery i do think he got robbed i do not think his cloths blew away.
I think Otzi was killed of hyperthermia and was assassinated at the same time. I think Otzi’s assassinator shot him in the back but was too cowardly to kill him. So he pulled out the arrow but couldn’t stay on his feet So he started crawling until a big storm came and shocked him. He started crawling to a cave but the weather got to him before he got to the cave. So with death close from loss of blood he knew he could die from the cold.
I think if he didn’t get shot he could have found a safe place during the storm. Though if the storm was really bad finding shelter might not have helped that much.
I don’t think the theory of Otzi dying in battle is right because if he died in battle there would be other bodies around him. He would have also had more wounds. He also could have possibly had some cracked bones and even some missing body parts.
I also think he might have also been traveling with someone else who took his flock when he died. I think his partner scared off the assassinator. He helped Otzi till he died. This person might have been his son or someone training to be a shepherd’s man.
I think Otzi was killed of hyperthermia and was assassinated at the same time. I think Otzi’s assassinator shot him in the back but was too cowardly to kill him. So he pulled out the arrow but couldn’t stay on his feet So he started crawling until a big storm came and shocked him. He started crawling to a cave but the weather got to him before he got to the cave. So with death close from loss of blood he knew he could die from the cold.
I think if he didn’t get shot he could have found a safe place during the storm. Though if the storm was really bad finding shelter might not have helped that much.
I don’t think the theory of Otzi dying in battle is right because if he died in battle there would be other bodies around him. He would have also had more wounds. He also could have possibly had some cracked bones and even some missing body parts.
I also think he might have also been traveling with someone else who took his flock when he died. I think his partner scared off the assassinator. He helped Otzi till he died. This person might have been his son or someone training to be a shepherd’s man.
I think that he was shot, robbed, and left for dead. He was high up in the Alps and he was one of the most powerful shepherds in the region. So, one of the lesser shepherds that had been up in the Alps for months wandering and in need of food and supplies saw Otzi's big flock. He immediately decided that he would kill Otzi to get his flock. He was following Otzi and when he was up on a mountain and Otzi was down below - he shot him with his bow. The robber took his warm shoes and everything out of Otzi's pack and his sheep and left him to die. Otzi unstrung his bow so he could use it as a walking stick to get back to the rest of his people after he was shot. In his weakness, he dropped the walking stick. In his confusion he walked up the mountain instead of down. It became colder as he walked and his blood loss was too much for him. He fell down in a puddle of icy water and froze to death. The decomposition of his skin and muscle tissue was due to the water he fell in and the melting and refreezing of the ice.
I am period 9.
I think theory #2 because it was probably hard to find food and like in the video they said he was a sheperd and he herded sheep. So I think some one killed him for his sheep so i think they shot him with the arrow and he fell and could not get up. So then he died there in the snow and the person who shot him took his sheep. I don't think he died from hypothermia because he had to last all those years in the cold but all of a sudden he got it? That just does not make sense. I do not think he died from being assassinated because i don't know why people did not like his beliefs. And that is why they killed him just does not make sense. I also do not think he died in battle because why would they be having a battle at this time. But why i think it was theory number 2 is because i think people wanted his sheep so that they could have something to eat and to keep warm. I also think that is why there was a arrow in his shoulder because they were trying to kill him in hit the target but they did not get to the target but they were close!
The scientist tried to unfreeze otzi the iceman to take test on him. They tried to design a face for otzi. When the scientist unfroze otzi the iceman his flesh was moveable. If they tried to move his arm it would braeke and his arm would fall off. The scientist tried to find out what otzi the iceman war. Two guy's were waking and found a small head, and shoulders. The two guy's and others took some tools and tried to get the body out of the iceman. they were recking the clothes on the body so they had different people try and get him out but they were recking the clothes to the scientist were suprised otzi the iceman still had flesh and skin. They put him in a fridge so he wouldn't defrost. The police thought it was a doll but then they looked at it for a while and then realized that it was real.He had dry, yellow skin like a mummy. He is the oldest mummy ever found. Tatoos:on his ankle, lower back, kneecap= not for decoration. teeth:showed wear= ate griains/breads. He is 45 years old. He war leather pants jacket:animal hides cape fur cap soft sheos stuffed with hay for warmth. The iceman was found on the border of astria and italy. He was descovered in the year of 1991. His last meal was: wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat were found in his colon. He caried arrows, a bow, rope, and rocks to make fire. I think Otzi got Assassinated.
Think that otzi's was assasinated or that means that he was murdered. The resan that I think that is because, they one time had fond a arrow head loged in his back right were his shoulder is at right now. He was in a battle and wall he was in the war when he was going to shoot someone shot him in the back the way the other person shot him is when they were desteractied he problome come up and around Otzi's palls and shot him in the back right were the shoulder is at. Or Otiz's was a nomad and he was tring to find shelter and someone else was up in the alps and the other person was looking for food and he saw Otiz's walk by so the other guy was going to hunt Otiz's down until he got tired they he was going to shot him in the back. And the rise they found Otiz's is because some scienest where up in the alps and hoy weather was there and the alps starterd to melt and a body was uncovered and the sciencest had thought it was a risent death so they had brought the body back to there lab and the body was to old to be a risent death .So they did a lot of reserch and they had figrind it out then named the body Otiz's the ice man.
I think Otzi died of hypothermia because Otzi was so well preserved. So when he died he had no clothing near him which is one of the things that come with hypothermia. But I also think that he had died in battle since there was an arrowhead in his left side shoulder.
Because that happened I think he got shot in the shoulder and was hiking in the Apps. When he got to the spot where he died he took off his cloths because of the hypothermia was begging to kick in. I also think that the person that killed him went along with him to see if he died the way that person wanted.
I wonder if Otzi had died the way he was found or was he buried by the person who had killed him. Or was it someone who was a friend he trusted? Or was it maybe an enemy he deeply despised.
Another thing is why were they fighting? Was it because some people were very poor back then and Otzi was one who was very rich with his sheep and they wanted them for there value? Was there others involved in the death of the ice man or was it only that one person who killed him.
Those are some of my theories about the death of Otzi.
I think that Otzi was a victim of robbery because he was found dead with an arrow in his left shoulder. I mean think about his arrows with blood on them and his cloak with blood on it. If it wasn't Otzi's blood then it was other peoples blood. He was probably with other people and they got wounded. Otzi could have carried a comrad on his back and then continued on his journey as the other person died. Thats were the blood on Otzi's cloak came from.
As for the arrows, I have an explanation for that too. Otzi was traveling, his comrad had already perished, and two hunters had seen Otzi and his flock of sheep. They knew the flock was worth something, so they tried to get it. Otzi wasn't going to give up his sheep without a fight, so he stabbed the two theifs in the chest so he could escape. They were very injuired, but they could still put up a fight. One of the thiefs lunged at Otzi with an arrow, thus stabbing him in the shoulder and breaking the stick off of the arrowhead, implanting it into his shoulder, killing the Iceman.
If you are wondering why the thiefs and Otzi's comrads were not found, it's because they decomposed
I think Otzi died of a battle for food because food is very scarce. When they discovered Otzi they saw his shoulder sticking out of the snow and they thought it was a doll so they got a little closer to the strange object in the snow. They got trained people to take Otzi to their work place. They also searched around him and found some arrows, an unstringed bow,and a hand axe. they brought the body to their shop and started to examine him they had to work fast because the more he defrosts the more to bone will start decaying. They used their high tech computer to construct a possible face that the ice man could have looked like or was. They put the body though an AT scan and discovered something in his left shoulder. This strange object was a arrowhead from a arrow. They also discovered a lot of tattoos all over his body they amused that he was a trader, and a Shepard of sheep.They saw in his stomach that he ate something before his tragic yet strange death. Scientist say that he live about 5 thousand years ago, they were so proud that they were the very people that discovered this ancient body of a certain iceman Otzi.
I think otzi was a vitom of robbery because in the video they said that he was probly a sherperd
leading his herd of sheep though
the alps to get to the other side
to feed his sheep for the week but otzi was being followed by a robber the robber took aim with his bow and arrow and shot and hit otzi in the back of his shoulder.
Otzi ripped the arrow out of his shoulder but the arrow broke in his shoulder. He struggled though it but a while later he found his last hour. Before he got shot the sientist found some pollen in his digestive system so they found out that Ozti went though a forest area while leading his herd though the thick forest area .
So i think he died of robbery because the robber wanted to
take his herd to sell them
to a farmer to make money but when they found otzi his tools were spread out around him such as a bones, axe, a bow un strung arrows, un strung as wheal so possible the theif took some of his stuff before taking his herd.
The way the sicentis found ozti is some of the snow that surowend him melted so a hiker found the body an called the cops later that day cops took him out the ice and put in a feerzer to keep him persurved untill sicentist could see what the cops have found and find out ozit died.
I think otzi was a vitom of robbery because in the video they said that he was probly a sherperd
leading his herd of sheep though
the alps to get to the other side
to feed his sheep for the week but otzi was being followed by a robber the robber took aim with his bow and arrow and shot and hit otzi in the back of his shoulder.
Otzi ripped the arrow out of his shoulder but the arrow broke in his shoulder. He struggled though it but a while later he found his last hour. Before he got shot the sientist found some pollen in his digestive system so they found out that Ozti went though a forest area while leading his herd though the thick forest area .
So i think he died of robbery because the robber wanted to
take his herd to sell them
to a farmer to make money but when they found otzi his tools were spread out around him such as a bones, axe, a bow un strung arrows, un strung as wheal so possible the theif took some of his stuff before taking his herd.
The way the sicentis found ozti is some of the snow that surowend him melted so a hiker found the body an called the cops later that day cops took him out the ice and put in a feerzer to keep him persurved untill sicentist could see what the cops have found and find out ozit died.
I think that Otzi was assasinated. I think that Otzi was walking in the Alps and that a person assassinated him because he went into there teritory. I'm sure that he probable was a religious leader and that he was going to spread the word to other peaple. I think that he didn't even know ti's that he crossed into a native americans teritory. They probably thought that he was going to kill or stealsomething or some one. I think that in his town [tribe] that maybe the religious leader was the docter too. I think that Otzi's tattoos represented something about his relgion. I think that Otzi had the copper axe because he was a religiose leader. I also think that Otzi died from the cold. I think that after he got shot that the snow got into his wound and that the snow speeded up the coldness from geting to him and so he got hyperthormia faster. Also I think that his sheep where took from the Native Americans after he died. I think that maybe the Native Americans kiled him so that they could have or sell them. But that probably didn't happen though. But it could have happened.
I think Otzi was the victim of robbery because when the people went hiking in the mountains they found Otzi and all his stuff was gone. There was an arrow in his sholder the rest of his arrows where all bloodie. The blood could of been other peoples blood, some of the blood could of been from carring a comrade. Because his things were missing people may have thought it was a robbery.
I think that the reason Otzi died was because he stole some sheep and because he was a sheperd. The farmer found out that he stole his sheep and he sent someone to follow him and kill him to bring back the sheep. Noone knew that he was in the mountains so it was easy to kill him and make it look like a robbery.
I dont belive he died of hypothermia because he had so much warm clothing. I dont think he died in battle because he had alot of arrows left. It is possible that he was assassinated and robbed over sheep.
I believe that Otzi was assassinated because they found an arrow head in him. His religious tattoos also point to the fact that he may have been assassinated. The reason I do not think he died of hyperthermia is because there were no signs of it in him and it didn’t look like he had drowned. I also don’t think he was a victim of robbery because he had all of his tools which were probably important to him and the empty stuff probably had food and stuff in it and he ate it. I don’t think he died in a battle either because there probably would be other arrows and stuff in him. If he would have been killed during a battle then when they dug him up they would have found another body of a Neanderthal. These are the reasons why I believe Otzi the iceman was assassinated.
My theory is that Otzi died of robbery. But anyways he he died of robbery because maybe someone in his tribe was mad at him because he did something wrong in his tribe and ran away, but one of his tribe members tracked him down, then shot him with a bow and arrow, and took his stuff and hid somewhere far away so he would not get in trouble by his tribe.
I think he died of hypothermia also. The reason why I think he died of hypothermia is because when he got shot by his tribe member, he fell down and froze to his death.
I don't think he died in the battle because scientists probably would have probably found other bodies near him that may have also been in the battle, which there wasn't any. Also they probably would have tried to save him when he fell, he probably would have stayed alive for a few more months or even years if they saved him.
Plus he probably wouldn't want to set his things out and people in the future expierement on him.
I think theory #2Victim of Robbery because it said many people back then were shepherds and Otzi was a sheperd too. It said that Ortiz wore a cloak just like the guy in the video that dressed up as Otzi and went on the hike. Scientists found hop hornbeam pollen in his stomach. Up in the Alps Otzi got shot with an arrow in his shoulder. I don’t think its theory #4: Died in Battle because he didn’t have a friend with him that he was carrying. He wasn’t going to kill anyone either. Also I don’t think its theory #1: Hypothermia because he didn’t die of hypothermia he died because he got shot with a bow and arrow. Otzi did freeze with one of his arms over the other arm. When scientists started examining him his skin was yellow and leathery. I don’t think its theory #3: Assassination because he wasn’t a religious leader or a medicine man, but he was a shepherd. Otzi did have a lot of tattoos on his body, but I don’t know that they are for a religious reason. I think that copper axes were very valuable and copper axes might have been a sign of power too.
I think that that otzi the iceman was in battle and ran away form the battle and the a guy was to kill and robbery otzi and so he run up the maintain and think he will survive form the battle but a guy was still after him to kill him to not get away from battle so he can not tell anybody what happen back there he is going up the alps mountain but man was after him to rob him and so a the iceman almost over the mountain he saw the guy he was running from the guy and then finely he got shot by the bow and arrow then he dropped his stuff then shot him he fell the guy who shot him picked him up and put him way up top the alps so no one found could not find him up there he burred him there then he went off and left him there on till people where trying to look for him then everybody forgot about him so that’s the way he died nobody did I bet well I hope not. Well we found him best discover 5300 years who could beat that
Otzi is a 5300 year old mummy that was found in the alps while a big defrost occurred . I think he could have been a shepherd because he wore a fur hat, a warm cape, leggings, and dry stuffed hay in his leather boots. Maybe people were jealous and wanted his flock. I think the robbers tried to take his flock and he tried to defend himself, but they shot him with a flint arrowhead in the left shoulder paralyzing his arm and he bled to death over the next few hours. During this attack he tried to defend himself and the herd. With every breath he took the weaker he got. He finally laid down his stuff and with a knife in his hand, with him loosing so much blood his heart stopped and he died.
I don't think he was assassinated because I think he was an active and physically fit man. He was also a very smart man since he always had all of his supplies ready for long trips through the Alps. I think he kept to himself most of the time. I don't think he died in battle either. The many different kinds of blood found on his body were not of friends but of the robbers who tried to steal his flock and he fought back. He could have died of hypothermia. When someone attacked for being in his territory he shot Otzi and Otzi may have fell in some ice and froze to death. Maybe that is why his body was so well preserved. This is my theory on how Otzi the ice man died.
Otzi the Iceman was found near Hauslabjoch in the Otzal Alps on September 19, 1991, by Helmut and Erika Simon, two vacationing German hikers. But when he and his wife looked closer, they realized that they were looking at the body of a person, lying face down in some melting ice. They found Otzi the iceman between Austria and Italy. Otzi's clothing was leather pants, animal hide jacket, cape, fur cap, soft shoes stuffed with hay for warmth) People also believe he was 5'2, brown hair, tattoos on body ( ankle, lower back, knee cap= not for decoration.) They also believe that his last meal was wheat bread, green herbs or veggies, and meat was found in his colon. They believe he was 45 years old. How you ask? Dry, yellow skin like a mummy It’s been preserved in the ice. He was the oldest mummy ever found. I believe he died because of hypothermia.Why because he was found dead on top of a(n) mountain covered with snow and ice. I don't think he died because of pollen because how would he have pollen in his stomach in the winter? Becasue no flowers will be found in the winter. I do not believe that he was assassinated because i doubt there were people around him in the journey he was on. Like i said before I doubt there were alot of people on his long cold journey. There for I believe he died because of hypothermia.
Otzi was an iceman that is 5,300 years old, and he was found in the alps after a mysterious defrost from the weather (that is what I think). Otzi was defenitly not killed by hyptothermia otherwise why would he have an arrowhead in his back? He couldn't of died in battle because there was no other bodies nonetheless footprints or any kind of compromisation near him. I think he died by assanation because There would be no reason for him to be a robber, and he had 59 tatoos which mabye means he was a leader. And his clothing was showing that he was a shepherd.
Otzi had been defrosted in an archeologal site, and they took many samples includeing his tounge, mouth, and nose. Otzi was not found with his cloths, bit they found him nearby, and i think it just blew off him a long time ago or the assasanator took it and dropped it. The police database could reconstruct his face being bald and eyes and mouth shut, but they reconstructed that too, so it looked like a real caveman.
Otzi was taken to the hospital, but it wasn't easy, they had to take him out of the refrigeration and speed him there with a police escort. The hospital took thousands of pictures, and found an arrowhead in his shoulder, shot from the back, which is another thing about the battle, unless if he was retreating
from battle, he wouldn't have been shot in the back, nevertheless, with an arrow. After defrosting and taking a samples from him, the people noticed a black spot on his lung, it may have been a slight place where it started to decompose! Luckely, it was just a false alarm, and the people saw an arrowhead, which they diddn't know that is was, of corse, alas, forcing them to go to the hospital.
--do not count this part--
That is most of what I learned by the Otzi movie that we watched. I hope I did great on it!
I think Otzi was a robbery victim. I think he was a shepherd. I think he was a shepherd because he had the appropriate clothing for the job of moving sheep up the mountain. Also during the time of year he died it was common for shepherds to move their flock to the pastures of the Alps. Also Otzi had pollen in his stomach. This pollen is found in the spring trees were shepherds commonly led their flocks. An arrow head in his shoulder leads me to think that someone shot him for his sheep. He died hours after the shot. The robbers saw his flock and wanted it for their own profit. When Otzi saw the men coming after him, he ran away. The robbers chased him and shot him in the back with an arrow, killed him, and took his sheep. Otzi also could have been assassinated. He had a copper ax; they were valuable and a sign of power. Only a leader would have an ax like this. Otzi also had mysterious tattoos on his body. These tattoos may have religious significance. He also could have been a religious leader. Maybe some people from the village did not like his political or religious service to the community. Maybe one of his followers had a disagreement with him and murdered him. The world may never know who Otzi was and how he died. These are my theories on how Otzi the Iceman died.
I believe that Otzi was a victim of robbery. I believe this because Otzi had a cloak and leggings that are like a shepherds. Otzi was likely to be robbed if he was a shepherd because people would have wanted his sheet. In the video I learned that Otzti’s backpack was empty and his belongings were missing – so his stuff was probably stolen. I believe the arrowhead found in his left shoulder was shot by a robber. After Otzi was shot down, I believe the robber probably took his prized possessions, including his shoes and the sheep. This is why were no sheep and an empty backpack found next to Otzi’s body.
I believe the hypothermia theory is wrong because if he died from hypothermia why was there an arrow in his left shoulder?
I believe the assassination theory is wrong because I do not believe the deterioration on his joints is not enough proof that Otzi was a leader. I believe his copper axe was not a sign of his leadership it was used to do everyday tasks as a shepherd.
I believe the died in battle theory is wrong because if he was in a battle there would be a lot more dead people around him. The scientists looked and didn’t find any other people.
I think that theory number four that Otzi died in battle is probably the right one. DNA samples were gathered from Otzi's weapons, clothing and tools. Blood from four different people was found on these items. I think that Otzi was a brave warrior who was helping other people by carrying them to safety. Why else would he have had blood on his coat from four other people? Theory number one may not right because if you die from hypothermia only, you would not have an arrowhead in your shoulder. He may have died from hypothermia if he did not actually die from the arrowhead. His body was preserved in the ice in very good condition. It was not full of disease. He was very healthy. I don't think that he died in a robbery because we are not positive that he is a shepherd. Would the robbers want other things than sheep? I also think it was unlikely that he was assassinated. He had the blood of other people on him. Maybe he could have had tattoos from war. The copper ax that was found could have been used in a battle as well. I actually think that it is hard to choose a theory because they all have pretty good evidence.
Otzi the ice man or frozen fritz also known as the similuan man is a 5300 year old mummy. He found September 1991 born 3300bc died 3300bc estimated 45 years old height 5ft 5in weighing around 110 pounds. His clothes insist of lather pants, a jacket made of animal hides, cape, fur cap, soft shoes stuffed with hay or another warming substance. He had tools like his bow and arrow, a dagger, and a copper axe. His last meal was cereal, plants, and ibex meat. He had tattoos on his ankle, lower back, and kneecap not for decoration. There are many ways people think he died like hypothermia, assassinated with a arrowhead in the shoulder, or drowned. and many other ways. I believe he was assassinated with an arrow head in the shoulder going around 90 miles per hour not puncturing the lungs or heart but bleeding to death with no help. I think he was killed for three reasons for who he was and, for his possessions, and for being in another tribes territory up in the alps were he was found dead. That is why I think Otzi the Iceman, Frozen Fritz, or Simulian Man whatever you want to call him was assassinated with an arrowhead in the shoulder over 5300 years ago. So what is your opinion on Otzis death is it true we may never know.
I think that theory number one could be true because it is very cold in the Alps, especially during the spring time of year. I believe that theory number two and three could also be true, since the archeologists found an arrowhead shot deep into his shoulder. This caused him to fall and be unable to get out of his position. This is why his arm is permantly layed across his chest.According to the archeologists, he may have died of hypothermia after about three hours since he could not move.I think that number four is false because the archeologists did not mention that he was in a battle when we watched the video during class.I think that learning about Otzi was important because he is the oldest mummy ever found in history at five thousand three hundred years old. It was a very important discovery for the people walking through the mountains. They first thought that Otzi was a doll, but then found out that he was actually a real mummy.I think that Otzi is one of the best units we have learned about so far. It was cool to see the mummy in the video.
Things I have learned about Otzi--
What i believe the real reason why Otzi dead was he got hit by an arrowhead in his left shoulder. I do not think he died from hypothermia because if he died from that why was there an arrow in his shoulder? Also i don't believe that he died from getting assassinated because again, he wouldn't have an arrow in his shoulder. Otzi didn't die from battle because if he did wouldn't there be more people dead then him? I think my theory of how Otzi died is the most accurate because like i said before if he would have been killed in battle there would be more people dead. How Otzi getting hypothermia makes sense but becuase he had an arrowhead in his shoulder it makes me lean towards Otzi dying from getting shot in the left shoulder. Oh, did i mention Otzi died 5,300 years ago.
Things I have learned about Otzi--
What i believe the real reason why Otzi dead was he got hit by an arrowhead in his left shoulder. I do not think he died from hypothermia because if he died from that why was there an arrow in his shoulder? Also i don't believe that he died from getting assassinated because again, he wouldn't have an arrow in his shoulder. Otzi didn't die from battle because if he did wouldn't there be more people dead then him? I think my theory of how Otzi died is the most accurate because like i said before if he would have been killed in battle there would be more people dead. How Otzi getting hypothermia makes sense but becuase he had an arrowhead in his shoulder it makes me lean towards Otzi dying from getting shot in the left shoulder. Oh, did i mention Otzi died 5,300 years ago.
I think Otzi was a shepherd. If hypothermia was the cause of his death would't his sheep have died with him. At the site where Otzi was discovered there were no sheep. Therefor I think his sheep were stolen. Since they did not die I rule out hypothermia. Otzi was the only body found by the hikers in the Alps. If he died in battle there would be many other bodies with arrows in them around Otzi's body. Since there were no other bodies or arrows, I do not believe that he died in battle. A few arrows and blood were found around Otzi. Shepherds would have to guard their sheep. Otzi could have used his arrows on robbers anytime before he got shot. I believe he used his arrows to keep away robbers. Collecting his arrows after he used them during his travels. I believe Otzi was a victim of robbery. As it would have been necessary for Otzi to build a shelter while out with his sheep he had to carry tools. Being a shepherd, he could trade a sheep to get the tools he would need. I don't believe he was assassinated. He traveled alone. He took care of sheep not people. Sheep can't shoot arrows. There is nothing in the information to make me think he served his community.
In the video scientist said that otzi died from a arrow-head that hit him in the shoulder. In addition Otzi was killed or stiked by a neandethral. In my opinion I think that Otzi died from a stoke because he was too old. Another reason i think Otzi died was because it was to cold in the alps, and he could not resist the cold with enough warm items. Next is that he might of died from an animal that had some sort of illness. Secondly in my opinion I think that Otzi might have some kind of disease in his body. To add on to this the disease might be caused by not having enough food, water, or shelter, all the necessities of survival. He also could have died because of hypothermia or in other word by a strong flu. Also he could have died in an avalanche while in the Alps. Another reason might be that Otzi could have been killed by someone else because of survival issues. Maybe Otzi could have sacrifised himself in order to save anothe neanderthal. For another reason in my opinion Otzi could have just died because of a heart problem of some sort. Lastly is that i think that it will take a while to discover Otzi's death because it happened about 5300 years ago. Maybe nobody will ever truely discover how he died, But for know we can always opinonate.
I think that Otzi died from an arrow head. Ithink he was a leader and the guy who shot him was one of his helpers who did not like Otzi at all. he probly didnt like hime because Otzi may have forsed him to do something. Maybe he was a shepherd. Even though his shoes werent built for the job he could have built them his whole life and could have bean trying to find out a way to get shoes to help him clim up the hill. maybe we will find out wat happend to Otzi, maybe not.
I think Otzi was assassinated. Otzi could have been assassinated in a power-play conflict.He did not suspect the arrow from behind.Did some village people not like his politics or religious service to the community?maby one of his followers had a disagreement withhim and mudered him.
Otzi also had some mushrooms,known for their medical value.Otzi also had misterious tatoos on his body.These markings might have religious singifance.Copper axes were valuable and a sign for power.Some say that only a leader would ownan axe like the one Otzi owned.So maby Otzi stolean axe from a trib to get back at someone or smething.
Otzi was found in 1991.Two hikers in the alps found Otzi.The ice man was found on the border of Austria and Italy.They start jack hammering the ice around the body.They destoried much of the clothing found on Otzi.But then Dr.Henn arrives on the scene to inspect the body.He relizes that its ancient.IT has dry yellow skin like a mummy.He has been preserved in the ice for a long time.Warmmer weather in the alps cause the glaciers to go down, so that led to revleaing Otzi.Otzi was the olldest mummy ever found!
Otziwas 5'2" and had brown curly hair.Otzi was fourty-five years old.He had leather pants,fur cap,straw cape,jacket made out of animal hides,and had soft shoes stuffed withhay.His shoes didn't keep his feet warm so maby some frost bite on his toes, and feet.
Otzi's last meal was wheat bread,green herbs or veggies, and meat that was found in his colon.So that raps up my blog two hundered word esay,
I think Otzi died by assassinated because he was shot in the back with a arow. I dont think he died of hypothermia because some scientists think he froze after he died. (More to come)
I think he was assassinated. I think out of the four, this makes the most sense. If he was the victim of a robbery, it doesn’t make any sense that the thief would wait that long to steal his sheep. He was pretty high on the Alps, and if I were the supposed “robber”, I would just wait until he was a couple miles away from his village, at the most. It would save a lot of time and in the long run, you will be less sore from all the walking. Also, I thing he would be able to defend himself, or he would have more than an arrow in his shoulder.
He had a copper axe along with a four leaf clover with him, too. Copper was valuable back then so most people think he must have been really rich or powerful. He could have been both, though. I think he was just a regular villager who got offered a job to do something. He got supplied the copper axe because maybe it was a payment for him doing the job. He could have done it because he didn’t like his life there and wanted a fresh start or was just in need of money. The four leaf clover was probably because he was superstitious and didn’t want to get jinxed or anything.
His tattoos suggest that he was a religious leader. It could be kind of like the way we have it with a bunch of different religions and his wasn’t very popular but he had some really strong followers. I think he was assassinated by one of the people that opposed of his group like the Ku Klux Klan didn‘t like people that weren‘t their color.
His teeth showed that he ate grains and bread so that shows that he wasn’t very rich but could get by.
From all the research scientists did, they found out that he was about 45. That is why I think he was assassinated.
Theory number one: I think Utsi The Iceman died of hypothermia because he lived in the ice age and could have easily died of it. He could have also died of hypothermia because he could have (like said in theory number one) took some clothes off and soon after died of hypothermia.
Theory number two: I don’t quite believe this theory is correct but if I couldn’t choose theory number one I would choose this theory. I don’t believe this theory because I think the killer would have died of hypothermia soon after his steel and find Utsi’s folk of sheep, cattle, or any other kind of animal.
Theory number three: I don’t believe in this theory because I don’t think there were any villages in the middle of the alps during the ice age. They
might have had villages on the alps but I doubt they had villages on the mountains of the alps. I say this because I think it would be stupid to make a village so high in an environment so cold.
Theory number four: This theory does have a pretty good point, but I highly doubt this is what happened. I don’t think people had developed warfare at that time because there were no countries. Even though they made tribes I doubt they had wars, maybe murderous actions, but no war.
I believe Otzi died of murder. The reason I believe that is the arrowhead in his shoulder. After he got shot, I think he bled to death AND hyperthermia. Why I believe that is, he was in the Alps and it was very cold also he had an arrowhead in his shoulder. There was also blood on his coat. Otzi, I think, was a priest going up to the mountains to talk to his "god" because he had questions for it or them from the people from his village who believe in that "god". While he was up there I think he had crossed a border and they did not want him there because those two countries hated one another so they shot Otzi. After they shot Otzi, I think who ever killed him took his things in his backpack as you can see in Mr. Klumper's video. I think his bow was unstrung beacuse after he got killed he landed on his bow and the string broke off the bow. He might have dropped it and it broke on a rock. He also might have used the bow as a walking stick or when the person shot him their bow string broke and they took his bow string. (Mr. Klumper you looked like a nerd in your video.)
Just kidding but the video was funny.
I Think That Otzi that Iceman may have been wounded In battle and shortly after that I think he may have then suffered from hypothermia. Because the jacket he was wearing had blood stains on it and the blood was probably was coming from his shoulder when he got shot by a bone arrow. And The hypothermia theory was probably after he got shot in the shoulder and fell to the ground laying there in pain and the soldiers or whoever was fighting probably left then, Otzi the iceman was laying there moaning in pain and he slowly got closer to hypothermia and then died later. I do not think he was a victim of robbery because there probably wasn’t many flowers in the alps during the winter. According to the information it said he may have been in battle now this theory maybe partly true because if he was in battle and the robbers wanted his flock but if they started shooting the pack may have ran away and left him lie there while they chased down the flock to take them and didn’t car about Otzi anymore then he died there in pain moaning while he suffered hypothermia and then later died. This Concludes my opinion on how Otzi the Ice Man died.
I think Otzi was assassinated. An arrow head deep in his back shows that he was shot with a bow. The fact that the arrow was in his back shows that he was assassinated because that means that the attacker came from behind and was unseen by Otzi. I also think that he could have been robbed. I think the theory that he was robbed seems reasonable because many of his items were gone. I think he didn’t die of hypothermia because the arrow head deep in his back seemed lethal. I think it is unlikely that he died in battle. If he had died in battle there would be more bodies in the area and scientists only found Otzi. I also believe that he did not die in battle because the wound was in his back and not in his chest. Battle would be hand to hand combat hence a wound would most likely to in the front of the body.
So my hypothesis is that Otzi the ice man was assassinated then after he died the assassin came and robbed him. Unfortunately there is no evidence to indicate whether this crime was premeditated, or if it was a crime of opportunity.
I think Theory 2 is the right one because on the video it said that he might of killed a sheep and it wasn't his and the owner got really mad :{ and when Otzi was climbing up the mountain the owner found him and shot him with the bow and arrow and while he was in pain he dropped his stuff while he was dying and he fell on the ground and the owner ran over and took Otzi's stuff and ran off. I DON'T THINK he died from Hypothermia because the dudes thought he died from it but they weren't sure so i just went with theory 2 and so yeah. I ish think it that he died in a battle because they said the coat Otzi was wearing was a sign of a battle and I also don't think he died in a battle because I DON'T REMEMBER them saying he died in a battle. And I don’t think he died because of a Assassination because I don’t remember them saying he was a community or religious leader. I only remember bites and pieces of the video and one of them was that they found mysterious tattoos that Otzi had on his skin and that only a leader would have an axe that Otzi had.
i think otzi the iceman died bie running from something and when he was running he tripped and gave up and died. the other way he might of died is by getting a cold or just getting sick by something and then dieing right there. after the years his flesh diapered and was buried from the snow. another way he might of died is from being in battle. he might of cross the border of a state that hated the type otzi was from and they did not want him there so they killed him.
I think Otzi is a very fascinating guy. I also think it an amazing discovery, because it has helped scientist so much, it has also made me more interested in that time period. I think one of the reasons Otzi died was he got hypothermia which is theory one. I also think he died of assassination which is theory three. I think he was walking in the alps and a guy came from behind and got him with an arrow. Then I think he might of fallen and also died of hypothermia. I think theory four he died in battle is partly right because he had other peoples blood on him, but he could have been that he was helping a guy that had been hurt before he had left. I don’t really think theory two that he got robbed is right, because there was probably not to much to rob, and he also probably did not want to carry anything with him on his journey so he did not bring anything with him, I am probably wrong but I think the other three theories make the most sense. If I picked a theory that I think would be the third most right I would pick the third theory, that he died of battle because he had different peoples blood on him. All of the theory’s could be right but if I only got to pick two I would pick number one and number three.
In 1991, there were two hikers in the Alps hiking. They see something mysterious
sticking out of the snow, they saw a perfect head and shoulders sticking out of the ice. So they start to dig around it and discover that it’s a body with skin and hair still on it! The body was found near the Australian and Italy border. Italian police first think its just a doll but they soon to find out that it’s a Ice mans body, and it’s the oldest one ever found on earth! Then the Italian police think it’s a recent death but there wrong again. So they decide they want to find out if the Ice man is real or not so they call in a specialist to examine the body and he says it’s a real human artifact! The first artifact ever to have all the bones connected to its body and still have skin and hair!
They decide to unfreeze the Ice man and if it works the scientist can take some samples of the Ice man and maybe find out the mystery of how or what killed the Ice man but if it doesn’t work then the scientists will be blamed for the wrecking of this ancient artifact of time. If he was assassinated then he must have done something wrong to earn his own death or was he just an innocent Ice man trying to find food or move his livestock. We will find out at the end of the movie in Mr. Nelsons classroom.
He was assassinated because at that time there was a lot of people coming and food was becoming scarce. so they fought for food and otzi got shot with a arrowhead in the shoulder blade, so it caused him to bleed fast and he died. Studies shows he had cut and scrapes and an arrowhead in his shoulder so that is obviously proof.
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